Our Journey To Jannah
Our Journey To Jannah
By Shaa'ista Moorad Jogee
A beautiful, comforting read for Muslim children to learn more about Jannah, particularly if they have lost a loved one, have a life-threatening illness themselves, or simply if they are curious about what happens to us when we die.
Written by Johannesburg-based mother, Shaa'ista, who was inspired to write this for her 9 year old son, Umar, who has been diagnosed with cancer for the fourth time. May Allah swt cure him completely. Ameen.
"A beautiful read for all kids, breaking down the amazing journey to Jannah and the treasures and joys that await us in our Happily Ever After. This book you hold in your hands, is the heart of a legacy of a mother and son, Shaa’ista and Umar.“
– Rehana Shah Bulbulia
“What we teach our children is like a carving on stone…their faith in what we teach is way stronger than an adult! As we are made for Jannah…let’s read into it!” - Zaahira Karrim, Ummah Heart
Format: Paperback